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Statute of Limitations for Medical Malpractice Claims

If you believe you have been injured through a doctor’s negligence or the negligence of a medical provider such as a hospital and you plan to take legal action, you need to act promptly. The law requires you to pursue legal remedies like medical malpractice claims as soon as possible consistent with time limits for filing a claim, known as the “statute of limitations.“ Patients who fail to file a claim within the statute of limitations may be prevented from ever bringing their claim in the future, regardless of the strength of their case.


What Are the Challenges of Applying for Social Security Disability?

Buffalo Law Journal published a guest column by Buffalo Social Security disability attorney Thomas Burnham on navigating the complicated issues involved in applying for Social Security disability benefits once an injured person’s workers’ compensation benefits end.

Click here for the article.

Mr. Burnham notes, “In recent years, a negative light has been progressively cast on the Social Security disability system in the media and political arena. While some grow increasingly skeptical, others are growing increasingly dependent on it.”  
