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Fiduciary Responsibility for Employee Benefit Plans

In order to stay competitive and retain the best workforce, most companies offer their employees benefits that go above and beyond those required by law. These additional benefits often include retirement, health, and life insurance plans. While offering employee benefit plans can be rewarding for employers, it can also be among the most challenging activities an employer can undertake. Managing benefit plans is a great responsibility that falls to those with fiduciary duty.


Expert Witnesses and Your Medical Malpractice Case

All health care providers must meet certain standards of care every time they treat patients. They are the “patient safety rules” doctors must follow. Meeting the standard of care means that the doctor or other medical provider is acting with the amount of skill and care that doctors expect from each other.  When the standard of care has not been met and harm has resulted, the provider can be sued for medical malpractice.


Pros and Cons of Section 32 Settlements

If you have been injured at work and are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits, you may be offered the opportunity to receive a one-time, lump-sum payment rather than ongoing weekly payments over a specified time period. This opportunity is part of the New York State Workers’ Compensation Law called Section 32.

Accepting this type of settlement may be more beneficial than taking weekly payments, but that is not always the case. You’ll need to do a careful analysis of your future lost-wage and medical benefits to determine if it is right for you.
